1.bring together parts or
combine to create something.
• form people/things into organize people or things into (a group or body): helpers and volunteers were formed into a red cross community.
• go to make up or constitute: the precepts that form the basis of the book.
• [intrans.] gradually appear or develop: a thick mist was forming all around.
• conceive (an idea or plan) in one's mind.
• enter into or contract (a relationship): the women would form supportive friendships.
• articulate (a word, speech sound, or other linguistic unit).
• construct (a new word) by derivation or inflection.
make or fashion into a certain
shape or form.
• form the dough into balls.
• [intrans.] (form into) be made or fashioned into a certain shape or form: his strong features formed into a smile of pleasure.
• (be formed) have a specified shape: her body was slight and flawlessly formed.
• shape or develop by training or discipline.
• influence or shape (something abstract): the role of the news media in forming public opinion.
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